New technologies offer to museography the prospects of experimentations and educational opportunities up to unimaginable today.
Since 2010 Cives Foundation has been started the construction of a new and ambitious project: the creation of a traveling museum of Pompeii and Herculaneum archaeological excavations. “Mav on tour” project is the realization of a travelling museum through new technology: 3D virtual reconstruction, holograms, projections on large surfaces, the interaction between the visitor and the rebuilt work.
MAV ON TOUR is a multimedia interactive exhibition project about Pompeii and Herculaneum, designed in partnership with state institutions (Superintendence of Cultural Heritage, the National Archaeological Museum) dedicated to archaeological heritage preservation.
An emotional experience of great charm and suggestion to understand and be aware of daily life, architecture and history of the city among the most beautiful in the Roman world.
Los Angeles - Stati Uniti
The exhibition, created in collaboration with the National Archaeological Museum of Naples and the Italian Cultural Institute in Los Angeles, hosted many of the most spectacular artifacts found inside the Villa and examined attempts to unroll and decipher the charred papyri. The exhibition was open to the public at the Getty Villa until 27 October 2019.
Not only the archeology, but also the technology of Herculaneum was the protagonist of the “Buried by Vesuvius” exhibition. It was the Virtual Archaeological Museum of Herculaneum, in fact, that made a video in computer graphics capable of representing the entire Villa in its entirety for visitors to the exhibition. It is not the first time that the Mav collaborates with foreign cultural institutions. In the past years with the British Museum in London, while last year the twinning with the Roman site of Vorgium in Brittany was consolidated. The Mav is presented as a digital 4.0 jewel capable of enhancing the unique wonders of the Vesuvian area in a glocal way, that is, both on a local and global scale.
Carhaix - Francia
Thanks to the partnership between the Poher community and the Herculaneum Virtual Archaeological Museum (MAV), there was a temporary virtual exhibition at the Espace Glenmor “En attendant Vorgium …”. Hi-tech installations in four rooms, immerse visitors in the mood and daily life of Herculaneum and Pompeii. An amazing journey into the past, to discover these old mythical cities destroyed by Vesuvius eruption in 79 AD and rediscovered in the eighteenth century.
Usan e Seul - Corea del Sud
In two phases there was a great exhibition of 300 finds from Pompeii entitled “Pompeii: cultures of the ancient roman city”. At the exhibition took part about 300,000 viewers in 6 months.
The MAV contributed with several virtual reconstructions that enriched the already extraordinary works exhibition and finds of the Roman world.
Boscoreale - Italia
“Pompeii and Herculaneum: life in the shadow of Vesuvius” is a multimedia exhibition that was held from 27 November 2015 to 25 January 2016 at the “Villa Regina” Cultural Center in Boscoreale (NA).
The exhibition, organized by the Cives Foundation, was born in collaboration with the Municipality of Boscoreale and the management of the Antiquarium, arranging integrated visits with the Museum dedicated to the daily life of the Vesuvian inhabitants, with the aim of enhancing the Vesuvian area and its archaeological heritage, in particular the Antiquarium of Boscoreale and its extraordinary finds relating to daily life and agricultural activity in Roman times.
The exhibition “Pompeii and Herculaneum: life in the shadow of Vesuvius” consists entirely of the museum exhibits of the Virtual Archaeological Museum: 20 interactive and immersive installations that illustrated the most significant aspects in which the daily life of the ancient inhabitants of these cities took place . In an introductory section, it is some ancient Pompeians who speak, through the reproduction of an ancient find found in Herculaneum on which the names of the inhabitants appear, in a sort of extraordinary public registry.
Napoli - Italia
The exhibition, promoted by the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies of Naples, by the Cives Foundation, by the National Library of Naples and by the University Library of Naples, traces the fundamental moments of the rediscovery of Herculaneum starting from the different places of the findings and following a divided exhibition path in three subsections.
Printed works were chosen, documents with a rich iconographic set, valuable editions, tables and engravings from both the Institute and the two Libraries. The precious multimedia resources made available by the MAV with 3D reconstruction techniques, multisensory effects, virtual books, holograms and synchronized multi-projections virtually reproduce habits and customs of the daily life of Herculaneum, while the graphic reproductions allow you to observe the Villa dei Papiri with its library. The exhibition is divided into three sections: Voices of Philosophers, The rediscovery of Herculaneum, La Villa dei Papiri.
Varsavia - Polonia
In about 200 square meters exhibition centre, at the National Stadium in Warsaw, through the most innovative technologies and thanks to a unique virtual reconstructions software you can relive the magic and appeal of some of the most important monuments of Herculaneum and Pompeii.
The exhibition is made up of 50 installations that tell of a journey and an experience of extraordinary beauty and archaeological historical interest: you will hear the history of the ancient inhabitants of Herculaneum, admire their perfectly reconstructed faces by computer art, see again the beauty of Faun’s in Pompeii or visit the Herculaneum Ancient Theatre in its magnificent impressiveness.
Amburgo - Germania
At the Bucerius Kunst Forum in Hamburg there was a prestigious exhibition “Pompeji. Goetter, Mythen, Menschen “(Pompeii. Gods, Myths, Men), with the support of the President of the Italian Republic.
The MAV took part at the exhibition with the virtual reconstruction in 3D computer graphic of the Citharist House in Pompeii. The exhibition was visited until the end of 2015.
Madrid - Spagna
The Cives-MAV foundation and the Spanish Foundation Germán Sánchez Ruipérez-Casa del Lector organized the exhibition “The Villa of the Papyri” dedicated to a survey regarding the reading and the writing in ancient Rome through the virtual reconstruction of the Villa of the Papyri.
At the exhibition were present the following institutions: National Archaeological Museum (Naples), National Library of Naples, Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid), Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando (Madrid), Patrimonio Nacional (Spain) and Museo de Ciencias Naturales-CSIC (Madrid).
A part of the most important rooms of the Villa of the Papyri (Tablino, big Peristyle, library) was reconstructed in 3D computer art in the light of the most recent excavations carried out in the years 2007/2009. The exhibition shown more than 100 exhibits from the National Archaeological Museum of Naples and the Spanish Museums, as well as some specimens of papyri excavated from the eighteenth century excavations and an impressive exhibitions of volumes devoted to the excavations on the ancient Herculaneum from the National Library of Naples.
Londra - Gran Bretagna
The Mav collaborated in the exhibition organized by the British Museum, inaugurated on 26th March, 2013 and entitled “Life and Death in Pompeii and Herculaneum”, with an installation on the virtual reconstruction of the House of the Tragic Poet in Pompeii.2012
Madrid - Spagna
The installation produced and realized the MAV has participated in the exhibition The thread of Ariadne – Labyrinths of knowledge at the Casa del Lector at Matadero Madrid.
It is a triple interactive installation that reproduces the inside and the prestigious floors of the splendid domus of Pompeii. Its name comes from the presence of a magnificent mosaic depicting the battle between Theseus and the Minotaur in the labyrinth.
Empuries - Spagna
In collaboration with the MAC – Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya y de la Generalitat de Catalunya, MAV ON TOUR was in Spain, in the greek-Roman archaeological excavation site of Empuries. Over 30.00 visitors were able to visit the exhibition “The last hours of Pompeii and Herculaneum”, which consists of several virtual installations and of 3D installation regarding Vesuvius’ eruption in 79 AD.
Pechino - Cina
During the Beijing-V Italy Week for Science, Technology, Economy and Culture, MAV presented its multimedia interactive exhibition project to Chinese industry.
Valparaiso - Cile
The Mav was in Chile on the occasion of the Universal Forum of Cultures 2010, in its pavilion there were over 60,000 spectators in 45 days of exhibition, that could visit the museum and its installations to more than 11,000 km from its actual headquarters. They could visit the same things through the same systems: 3D projections, audio guides, interactive chips – already used for the exhibition of Herculaneum – allowed Chile’s visitors and other countries of the world to immediately plunge into the interactive experience of Mav.