C.I.V.E.S. Foundation
Centro Integrato per la Valorizzazione di Ercolano e degli Scavi
In 2003, the Municipality of Herculaneum and the Province of Naples signed a memorandum of understanding for the redevelopment of the former Iaccarino school building in Herculaneum, making it the seat of the Virtual Archaeological Museum, consisting of sets and virtual reality installations on the history of places in the Province of Naples.
On 30-12-2005 the Province of Naples and the Municipality of Herculaneum set up the C.I.V.E.S Foundation for the management of the Virtual Archaeological Museum and related cultural services. The MAV was inaugurated on 9 July 2008. In May 2009 the Campania Region joined the C.i.v.e.s.
The members of the Foundation
Regione Campania
Città Metropolitana di Napoli
Comune di Ercolano
The bodies of the Foundation
Luigi Vicinanza
Ciro Cozzolino - Gaetano De Rosa
Ciro Cacciola
Michelina Cuciniello
The headquarters of the Foundation
Fondazione C.I.V.E.S.
Via IV Novembre n. 44
80056 – Ercolano (NA)
Telefono: 081 7776843
Posta elettronica certificata: info@pec.museomav.it
Codice destinatario per l’emissione della fattura elettronica: M5UXCR1